Internship Program

As an intern with RWS, you have a world of opportunity to grow as a Social Worker and/or a Clinical Mental Health Counselor (depending on your school’s program).

Options we offer here at RWS for our Interns:

School-based Therapy

Interns can shadow their supervisor or other RWS employees at elementary, middle, and high schools throughout the RDU area in therapy sessions. Once acquainted and comfortable, Interns are able to receive referrals and take on their own clients at these schools. RWS provides school-based therapy in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro, Orange County, and Chatham County school districts.

Telehealth: Interns are able to provide telehealth services for children, adolescents, and adults.

Office-based therapy

RWS has three offices in Chapel Hill, Pittsboro, and Siler City. Depending on the Intern’s home location, they are able to shadow and provide in-office therapy sessions at any of these locations 7 days a week, based on their own scheduling needs.

Intensive In-Home (IIH)

Intensive In-Home is an employment-based option for internship for graduate students with work experience who qualify as a QP (Qualified Professional). It is a rewarding path. You get to work with children, adolescents, teens, and their families who need a higher level of support. You get to meet in a variety of settings, including Telehealth, and work with them short term for serious problems related to mental health or substance use. RWS has Intensive In-Home teams in Orange and Chatham counties. There are also opportunities to shadow and assist with our Intensive In-Home providers to gain experience in this setting.

Recruiting your own desired populations

This is an exciting option that RWS offers. If you are interested in the private sector of social work once you graduate, or you want to work with a population other than what is offered at RWS, you are able to recruit your own clients (as approved by your supervisor) with support and assistance from the agency. This is ideal for interns who are interested in working with special populations. Some examples include interns focused on working with Veterans or mothers struggling with Post-Partum Depression (PPD).

Employment opportunities

A goal of RWS’s internship program is to provide extensive training on Evidence-Based Practices and various treatment modalities to prepare our interns for future employment. Based on the extensive training and experience offered in our internship program, RWS strongly considers all former interns for employment with the agency following graduation.

Renaissance Wellness Services is a subsidiary of Path Integrated Healthcare (PathIHC). All rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER: The purpose of this website is to provide general information regarding Renaissance Wellness Services (RWS) centers/clinics and RWS's programs. The resources on this site are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for the specialized training and professional judgment of a health care or mental health care professional. RWS, its programs, and services are constantly changing. RWS makes no representations or warranties with regard to the information contained in this website.

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